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Jenny Sanderson
Oct 7, 20204 min read
Harmless fun?
The 7 & 8 year olds I have been working with this term wanted to find feathers to make head dresses the following week. I like to ask the...
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Jenny Sanderson
Feb 29, 20207 min read
Climate crisis & our kids - what do we do?
It's empowering to hear young people speak so passionately about the need for change but isn't it a bit scary?
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Jenny Sanderson
May 29, 20192 min read
Can you speak bird?
This time of the year the birds have a lot to say for themselves. If you ever find yourself awake for the dawn chorus it is a sound to...
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Jenny Sanderson
Mar 14, 20192 min read
Mud mud glorious mud
What's so good about mud anyway? Why are kids driven to jump in with all the vim & vigour they can declaring 'It's a Peppa Pig Paradise!'...
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